Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reading Log for the Month of February

Forth Entry:                                                                                                                                        February 2, 2014

The Green Mile
Stephen King



             One way or another, we are all on death row, just for the simple fact that we are living, since the surest thing in life is death. So, Stephen King wrote a very well metaphor for a reflection on people's motivations in life, and what may come from our dreams and nightmares, depending on what we are doing from and for ourselves.

This is a story about people who were condemned to death and the guards who took care of them in the big depression times (1929 and so on) - right at times when many people committed suicide after losing everything. A time of depression is also a time which carries a need for reflection: people under depression have to consider the value of things looking at their past and their present.


                 In the story, the guards have to sneak out the so called criminal in order to help someone else. They did something wrong in order to do something good. Some time ago i was on the internet talking to one of my friends who was having a hard time with life and there family. Me being a good friend I wanted to talk to him about it so i could help them deal with their emotional pain. It was past one o clock and my mother decided to take the laptop. My friend was left all alone with no one to talk to. I didn't want to go to bed with out clearing things up with them. So I sneaked into my mother’s room to get the laptop and modem, and then I went back in my room to finish my conversation with my friend. Yes, I wasn't supposed to be on the computer, but I felt as if I had to finish talking to my friend, so that i could help them with their problems. I did something wrong in order to do something right.


                   Does the conflict ended by the unbalancing of the sides, when John Coffey heals her, ridding her of her figurative opponent? Does it resolved, by John Coffey, when he passes Mrs. Moore’s disease unto him?


                   I think the author’s message to the world is that a wonderful gift can be in a disguise and not to judge the book by the cover. John Coffey was a prisoner convicted of rape and murder. John had a gift of healing. He could take in the hurt and pain of something, and take it away from the owner of it. When the sheriff saw a large black man at the scene of the crime he jumped to conclusions. There was no physical evidence that john did what he was accused, but because of his size and race, it was easier to accuse John.

Part 2:                                                                                                                                                                               


Here I sit within these walls

Wishing like hell I could make some calls

Here I stand behind this fence

Wishing like hell I would have had some sense

Now here I am walking that green mile

And believe me it's not with a smile